Treehouse the Spiritual Shop
LUCKY SPELL WORKSHOP 2025 by Janjan ($980)
【2025年開運瓶魔法工作坊 🌟】
試試回顧這疲倦的一年,有沒有累積了甚麼負面情緒在身體當中?Treehouse將舉辦五班開運白魔法工作坊,由JanJan帶領我們一同使用不同的草藥製作屬於自己的Blossom Jar,把那些纏繞於身邊的負面能量消去,好好地原諒自己,並一同施展幸運的魔法,許下對新一年的願望,帶著健康、正面的氣場與2024告別,陸續解開更多人生課題,成為更好的自己才能吸引美好的事物。
日期:2025年1月1日 (星期三)🈵
時間:10:30am -12:00pm
日期:2025年1月2日 (星期四 ) 🈵
時間:7:45pm - 9:15pm
日期:2025年1月12日 (星期日)🈵
時間:10:30am -12:00pm
日期:2025年2月2日 (星期日)🈵
時間:10:30am - 12:00pm
日期:2025年2月6日 (星期四)🈵
時間: 7:45pm - 9:15pm
日期:2025年2月9日 (星期日)🈵
時間:10:30am - 12:00pm
日期:2025年2月16日 (星期日)
時間:10:30am - 12:00pm
地點:Treehouse the Spiritual Shop
收費:HKD980 (訂金HKD 480)
名額:16 位
Enrollment Remarks:
- A deposit of HK$480 is required to reserve a spot on the course.
- The deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.
- The remaining balance for the full course/workshop fee must be settled in cash only before or at the commencement of the first session.
- If you fail to settle the course fee balance on time, your deposit and spot in the course will be automatically forfeited, and your spot may be opened to waitlisted students.
- You will receive an email confirmation once your enrollment is confirmed. If you do not receive this email, please contact our staff.
- Once enrolled, your registration CANNOT be changed, and the deposit cannot be applied to a different time slot, service, class, or course.
- Treehouse reserves the right to accept or reject booking requests at its sole discretion.
- Please attend classes on time; the class will still end at the originally scheduled time, and NO refund or make-up session or recording arrangements will be provided.
- Recording during class or forwarding course content or materials to others is strictly prohibited. The company reserves the right to take action against violations.
- For one-day workshops or courses, NO recording arrangements will be made.
- For multi-day classes, only ONE recording arrangement will be provided for the entire course if a leave of absence is needed.
- Please see our Terms & Conditions and Cancellation Policy for more information.
- 報名時必須於網頁上繳交留位費,以確保您的名額。
- 報名一經確認後,留位費不得退款或轉讓給其他人。
- 餘下的課程費用必須於課程第一天課堂開始前以現金繳付(請提早10至15分鐘 到達及簽到),並不接受其他電子支付方式。
- 課堂上嚴禁錄音或將課程內容轉發給他人,違者treehouse the spiritual shop將保留追究的權利。
- 一天的課程/ 工作坊不設補課或錄音安排,請務必準時出席。
- 多天課程如需請假及錄音安排, 整個課程間僅允許發出一個課堂的錄音。
- 請準時到達課堂,遲到將不獲錄音或補課安排。
- 每堂課程簽到以確保已出席。
如有任何爭議,treehouse the spiritual shop保留最終決定權。