Wheel of Life Energy Spa ($680)
Wheel of life Energy Spa是Treehouse和台灣團隊共同研發的一個能量療癒空間。其中利用了礦石及金屬排列岀不同的中西圖騰,例如天圓地方、柏拉圖神聖幾何等。它的結構能夠產生低於60hz的穩定磁場,再以圖騰產生的波頻,對應我們身心靈各個層面的不同需要。
尤其是身心靈失衡引致的各種問題,包括身體上的毛病;或者各類情緒問題;甚至是精神體岀現不平衡導致的性格偏執,透過Wheel of Life Energy Spa都會得到一定程度的改善。
Booking Remarks:
- A Payment of HK$680 is required to request a service appointment
- This service payment is non-refundable and non-transferable.
- 24 hours advanced booking required.
- Availability is subject to open time slots in the booking calendar. You shall receive email confirmation after we have confirmed your booking. If you have not received this email after making a booking request, please contact one of our staff.
- Once you have requested a booking, the time slot cannot be changed and the Deposit may not be applied towards a different time slot or service.
- Treehouse reserves the right to accept or reject booking requests at its sole discretion.
- If a customer is late to their appointment, the booking will still end at the original scheduled end time, and no refund or new time slot will be given.
- Bookings are subject to our further terms and conditions. Please see our Terms & Conditions and Cancellation Policy for more information.
Before enjoying the energy spa, please confirm the following:
- Do you have any studs, hard buttons, or sharp parts of your
clothes? If so you must exercise caution to lie on the bed. It
is made of safety glass but still not impervious to breakage. - Remove keys, coins, bracelets, watches, phone and other
hard items. - Get on and off bed slowly and with caution.
- If you experience discomfort during the treatment, please let
one of the staff know and you may get up from the bed at any