Treehouse 靈性商店

$2888 - 禮品卡










    1. 此禮品卡必須於購買當日起計半年內使用,逾期作廢。
    2. 禮品卡只適用於購買商品, 不可用於購買七色花、課程報名費、工作坊報名費及預約任何靈性服務之訂金。(否則將不獲退回)
    3. 禮品卡將以電郵發送,請於結帳時確保電郵地址正確。
    4. 此禮品卡適用於中環門市及Treehouse網店(。
    5. 此禮品卡在任何情況下都不得退款,轉讓或兌換現金。
    6. 如禮品卡總金額不足以支付待支付的產品的全數費用,餘額應由信用卡或系統兼容的付款方法支付。
    7. 同一訂單可使用多於一張禮品卡,若訂單金額扣減禮品卡內總額後尚有餘額,恕不能用作支付其他訂單金額。
    8. 購買禮品卡時無法以禮品卡的面額累積特權計畫獎勵積分,但可依合格交易中有效禮品卡兌換的價值累積。
    9. 禮品卡只能用於個人購買,不得用於任何商業或促銷目的。
    10. 如有任何爭議,Treehouse 保留行使禮品卡之最終決定權。


    Use of the Treehouse the Spiritual Shop Gift Card (“GC”) is subject to the following Terms and Conditions of Use here in below:

    • The GC is redeemable by the GC holder as full or part payment for specified goods at Treehouse the Spiritual Shop located at 18/F, Jade Centre, 98 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong and online at
    • This GC cannot be used to purchase any services, classes, workshops, or Seven Flower Bath products.
    • The value on the GC cannot be redeemed for cash.
    • When purchasing the GC, it is the responsibility of the GC holder to enter their correct and valid email address or else they may not be able to use the GC.
    • The GC holder shall be responsible for keeping their GC number and personal information secret.
    • Mahadeva Holdings Limited/Treehouse the Spiritual Shop shall not be responsible or liable for any losses the user may incur if the GC is used without their permission.
    • The GC is valid for six (6) months from the date of purchase.
    • Any remaining GC balance will be cancelled upon the expiry date.
    • Privilege Program bonus points cannot be accrued when purchasing the GC in respect of the face value of the GC but will be accrued in respect of the value redeemed against the valid GC in a qualified transaction.
    • The GC may only be used for personal purchases and cannot be used for any commercial or promotional purpose.
    • No returns, refunds or exchange of goods purchased with the GC.
    • No refunds or exchanges of the GC.
    • In the event of any uncertainty or conflict, Treehouse the Spiritual Shop reserves the right to make the final determination.
    • In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese version, English shall prevail.



  1. 此禮品卡必須於購買當日起6個月內使用,逾期作廢。
  2. 禮品卡只適用於購買商品, 不可用於購買七色花、課程報名費、工作坊報名費及預約任何靈性服務之訂金。(否則將不獲退回)
  3. 禮品卡將以電郵發送,請於結帳時確保電郵地址正確。
  4. 此禮品卡適用於中環門市及Treehouse網店。
  5. 此禮品卡在任何情況下都不得退款,轉讓或兌換現金。
  6. 如禮品卡總金額不足以支付待支付的產品的全數費用,餘額應由信用卡或系統兼容的付款方法支付。
  7. 同一訂單可使用多於一張禮品卡,若訂單金額扣減禮品卡內總額後尚有餘額,恕不能用作支付其他訂單金額。
  8. 如有任何爭議,Treehouse 保留行使禮品卡之最終決定權。
