Treehouse 靈性商店

CONNECT WITH GUIDES by Janjan ($1980)


面對未知我們時常感到恐懼,靈性的輔助讓我們在迷途中找到方向,為當前的疑惑帶來解答,好讓我們安撫靈魂。有人天生擁有特殊的天賦及直覺力,能感應周遭的人及環境的能量,您亦可透過修煉培養靈性,助您從容地面對未知。讓大家久候的Connect with guides 靈性基礎知識課程終於重開!課堂合共七堂,JanJan將全方位解構各種靈性體驗的基本概念及理論,讓您對這個宇宙大開眼界。

1. 了解第三眼及直覺,如何提升直覺力及專注力
2. 基本氣場知識
3. 認識脈輪系統基本知識
4. 介紹天使號碼及引導大家感受各天使的能量
5. 拆解解夢技巧
6. 學習觀察及讀取氣場
7. 守護神是甚麼?體驗守護神的能量
8. 由JanJan引領大家在安全情況下嘗試通靈 — 與守護神連結及獲取啟示

日期:2024年3月5日起 (逢星期二)
時間:20:00 – 21:30
地點:Treehouse the Spiritual Shop
收費:HKD 1980 (共7堂) 



 敬請準時出席及於第一堂準備現金 $1500繳交課程費用。

- 如需請假請盡早通知,以便安排錄音, 並請於課堂第二日聯絡treehouse同事取得錄音連結。 (請注意錄音將於七天後刪除。)
-如有發現違規錄音情況,Treehouse the Spiritual Shop將保留一切追究權利。

Enrolment Remarks:

  • Deposit of HK$480 is required to reserve a spot on the course.
  • This Deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • Please note that the remaining balance for the full price of the course fee must be settled in cash only at or prior to the commencement time and date of the first session of the course.
  • If you fail to settle the course fee balance before the first session, your Deposit as well as your spot on the course will be automatically forfeited by you, and your spot may be opened up to waitlisted students. If you anticipate that you will be unable to settle the course fee on time, please contact our staff prior to the start of the course.
  • 24 hours advanced enrolment required.
  • You shall receive email confirmation after we have confirmed your enrolment. If you have not received this email after making a enrolment request, please contact one of our staff.
  • Once you have enrolled, it cannot be changed and the Deposit may not be applied towards a different time slot, service, class or course.
  • Treehouse reserves the right to accept or reject booking requests at its sole discretion.
  • If a customer is late to their class, the class will still end at the original scheduled end time, and no refund or replay will be given.
  • Classes are subject to our further terms and conditions. Please see our Terms & Conditions and Cancellation Policy for more information. 
