Treehouse 靈性商店

Frankincense Cone (pack of 5 cones)


Benefits of Frankincense

Though frankincense and myrrh tend to bring up certain religious connotations to the western mind, they have been in active use as magical incenses, religious tools, and for their healing properties since at least 1500bc. Resin incenses are the top of the line in incense burning. Using incense charcoal as a base you can release the intense fragrance of these fine resin granules -- without the dilution or alteration of scent caused by a burning base or fixatives typical in man-made stick or cone incense. Frankincense is one of the most valuable substances of history, used for meditation, protection, purification, and consecration by countless cultures.

How often should you Smudge your space?

We always recommend going with your intuition. If you are reading this information now, there is a very good chance that you already have developed or are working on developing your intuitive skills. However, a good time to bring out the smudging stick would be:

  • After a healing session
  • If you have too many visitors in your space
  • Definitely after an argument or any stressful situation
  • When the planets are done doing fun things, such as an eclipse, a full or new moon night or after Mercury Retrograde 
  • Before you start any prayers or rituals
  • If you have a lot of negative thoughts
  • When you feel weighed down by your emotions
