Treehouse 靈性商店
【FULL】Charm Reading Workshop by Janjan ($980)
自史前時代以來,”CHARM“ 通常被稱為護身符,相傳與魔法、神秘、保護、靈性、信仰、愛和財富有關。早期的護身符由青金石、水晶和其他半寶石製成,並刻有具特殊力量或意義的圖案。據說巴比倫人、亞述人和波斯人等不同文明都會製作並佩戴護身符,而埃及人也會使用護身符來驅邪、保護來世的親人、提高生育能力和確保繁榮。現時這些圖案及符號多被製作成配飾,讓人隨意配搭成首飾。
日期:2023年9月14日及21日 (星期四)
時間:20:00 – 21:30
地點:Treehouse the Spiritual Shop
收費:HKD 980
Enrollment Remarks:
- A Deposit of HK$480 is required to reserve a spot on the course.
- This Deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.
- Please note that the remaining balance for the full price of the course fee must be settled in cash only at or prior to the commencement time and date of the first session of the course.
- If you fail to settle the course fee balance before the first session, your Deposit as well as your spot on the course will be automatically forfeited by you, and your spot may be opened up to wait-listed students. If you anticipate that you will be unable to settle the course fee on time, please contact our staff prior to the start of the course.
- 24 hours advanced enrollment required.
- You shall receive email confirmation after we have confirmed your enrollment. If you have not received this email after making a enrollment request, please contact one of our staff.
- Once you have enrolled, it cannot be changed and the Deposit may not be applied towards a different time slot, service, class or course.
- Treehouse reserves the right to accept or reject booking requests at its sole discretion.
- If a customer is late to their class, the class will still end at the original scheduled end time, and no refund or replay will be given.
- Classes are subject to our further terms and conditions. Please see our Terms & Conditions and Cancellation Policy for more information.